منتديات الدفاع عن الجماهيرية الليبية و سوريا العروبة
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منتديات الدفاع عن الجماهيرية الليبية و سوريا العروبة
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة
يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول إذا كنت عضو معنا
أو التسجيل إن لم تكن عضو وترغب في الإنضمام إلي أسرة المنتدي
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منتديات الدفاع عن الجماهيرية الليبية و سوريا العروبة
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نص المكالمة الهاتفية بين الزعيم معمر القذافي و توني بلير

اذهب الى الأسفل

نص المكالمة الهاتفية بين الزعيم معمر القذافي و توني بلير Empty نص المكالمة الهاتفية بين الزعيم معمر القذافي و توني بلير

مُساهمة من طرف ابوالدحداح السرتاوي السبت أبريل 23, 2016 5:27 pm

خلاصة ردودد القائد, والنص ادناه كاملا:
1- انهم القاعدة وسيدمرون ليبيا ويقتلونهم
2- لاشيء يحدث من قتل من جانبنا انه الاعلام الكاذب
3- تعال الى طرابلس لاشيء هنا والكل يهتف باسمي
4- لن اتنازل عن حق ليبيا في حريتها
5- لن اخرج ولو قتلت هنا
6- هذا الهجوم هو استعمار جديد
7- الليبيون البسطاء ستدمر حياتهم
8- اتركونا لوحدنا وسنحل قضيتنا ومشاكلنا بانفسنا

TB: توني بلير G: قذافي

TB -Gaddafi call 1535-1600
TB -spoken to people, absolute key thing is that the bloodshed and violence must stop.
G -who said that? 100% nothing is happening
TB -these are the reports that are there on the news, let me explain because i have talked to
people, everyone wants a peaceful end to this.
G -no fighting at all in Libya, who said that? They want something else. It's a campaign of
colonisation; we have to defy the colonisation. There is nothing here, no fight, no blood. Come to
Tripoli to see everything here.
TB -the belief is is that there is fighting going on, if you have a safe place to go you should go there
because this will not end peacefully and there has to be a process of change, that process of change
can be managed and we have to find a way of managing it.
G -it seems that this is colonisation I will have to arm the people and get ready for a fight
TB -if the leader says he wants an end to the violence, you have to understand how this is to the
outside world. My concern is how this happens in the most peaceful way. Must find a way through.
The best thing is to engage in a process that brings about peaceful change
G -Libyan people will die, damage will be on the med, Europe and the whole world these armed
groups are using the situation as a justification -and we shall fight them.
TB -you've got to try to do something to allow this process to happen peacefully. The only way of doing that is say to people that you are going to engage in a process of change, that you are telllng your forces not to use violence against people and that this will now be managed peacefully and
properly, you need to be in a position where Libya is prepared to do this peacefully. The US and the
EU are in a tough position right now and I need to take something back to them which ensures this ends peacefully.
G -1 have no powers or mandate, I'm not the president. I have nothing to give up, this is the role of the Libyan people they want to change the ??
TB -in the light of what's happened 1 do~'t think that can happen, do something that allows the process to happen, the violence needs to stop and a new constitution needs to take shape. The most important thing is forthis process of change to begin and it can only do that if the leader signals for this to happen. As well as being dear that the violence stops he should signal that he wants this change. I repeat the statement that people have said to me, if there is a way that he can leave he should do so now. I think this can happen peacefully but he has to act now and signal that he wants this to happen.
G -Where is he meant to go? He has no mandate.
TB -the position of the leader is crucial, if he indicates that he wants this to occur now, and that he will stand aside and go somewhere safe I think this will resolve this peacefully. If he wishes this to
happen l can take this message back to the people I have been talking to. There is a process of
change that is going to take place -that has been made clear by the leader himself. He needs to
signal acceptance of that change and he needs to stand aside to let that happen peacefully.
G-there is no bloodshed here, it is very quiet but if you want to reap Libya we are ready to fight, it
will be like lraq. Why don't you come and see Tripoli?
TB -Let me ask...let me make it dear, no one wants to re-colonise Libya -Libya is for its people.
G -leave us alone, if you want to see Libya 1V see size of the demos supporting, TV shows size. we
know how to sort it out.
G puts the telephone near the TV -there is no fighting, there are no demonstrations. 'long live
Gaddafi' -the child is shouting.
G-come to Tripoli and see for yourself.
TB -let me see about that. I'm in Kuwait now, but my anxiety is this is happening very very fast and
if we don't find a way out in the next few hours I don't know what will happen. The leader can facilitate and if he doesn't we end up with bloodshed for a lot of Libyan people and I don't want that to happen.
G -there is no bloodshed and there is no fighting, come and see for yourself. People are spreading rumours through the TV stations. Those people are from Guantanamo, we know them by name, they support Al Qaeda -do you support Al Qaeda.
TB -no, absolutely not, the important thing is how do we get to a point where this thing can end in a peaceful way? If people saw the leader standing aside they would be content with that. If this goes on for another day/two days we will go past the point. I'm saying this because I believe it deeply. Jf we can't get a way through/out very quickly this will go past the point of no return.
G -there is fighting in Algeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan etc -are you supporting terrorism?
TB -we are completely opposed to terrorism and Al Qaeda. The only way out now is to allow a constitutional change process to take place now.
G-the Al Qaeda elements are not for change -this is not their demand. These are kids, no one is talking about constitution or change.
TB-but that's why it's important that the leader takes the initiative and talks about change. ! wanted to relay this message as a matter of urgency as this is the last chance to resolve this peacefully. l don't know whether it's possible for me to come.
G-does this mean you will send in military intervention if we do not resolve this peacefully?
TB -absolutely not, no one wants that and it isn't on anyone's minds and it is not re-colonisation. Unless there is a peaceful process in place they are going to carry on. My desire is to put into place something that is peaceful rather than violent confrontation.
G-those people in Nigeria in Afghanistan, the Taliban have constitution
TB-The Leader is the only person who can make this happen in a peaceful way. If it doesn't happen very fast then the people within Libya will make this very destructive. G -This would not happen, if you don't make an intervention I will give arms to the Libyan people
TB -we don't want that
G-we have no problem, just leave us alone. If you are really serious and you are looking for the
truth get on a plane and come and see us.
TB -I will inquire about that. 1 have tried to relay the message and l hope that the Leader can reflect
on what I've said and we need him to take the initiative; I would like to offer a way out that is
G -come here and see the reality.
TB -keep the lines open.

ابوالدحداح السرتاوي
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 1108
نقاط : 2608
تاريخ التسجيل : 30/10/2014
نص المكالمة الهاتفية بين الزعيم معمر القذافي و توني بلير Fds11

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